A £5 million road project which will pave the way to a major business and housing scheme in Burton will start this month.
The Branston Locks development will see 400 acres of land immediately west of the A38 developed with 2,500 new homes, a range of community facilities and a 50-acre employment site, which will be known as Quintus.
Staffordshire County Council will be delivering a package of road and infrastructure works which will enable Nurton Developments (Quintus Ltd) to move on site to carry out the main project, together with residential developers. The road scheme will start on Monday June 20 on the A38 Branston Interchange to the area around the canal bridge.
The road project is being funded through the government's Local Growth Deal, which was accessed by the county council and Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership. Nurton Developments has also made a substantial contribution.
Staffordshire County Council’s economy leader Mark Winnington said: “The Branston Locks development is another major project for Staffordshire; bringing in thousands of new homes, new business and new jobs. We will be starting to build the new roads and improve existing ones over the next few weeks, enabling the development on site to follow. This is yet another example of how the county council is working closely with developers and other partners to further increase Staffordshire’s economic growth and make it right for business and an attractive place to live and visit.”
The main road works will see Branston Road realigned in a northern direction with a new bridge over the Trent and Mersey Canal, together with new infrastructure to the business and housing development sites. The whole project will also improve pedestrian and cycle access to the future development and canal tow path. All works are expected to be completed by late summer 2017.