TfL confirms ban on colourful crossings21/11/2024 Transport for London will remove existing colourful pedestrian crossings on its network and will not install any new ones after research found clear evidence of disbenefits to road users with protected characteristics. |
TfL confirms ban on colourful crossings08/11/2024 Transport for London will remove existing colourful pedestrian crossings on its network and will not install any new ones after research found clear evidence of disbenefits to road users with protected characteristics. |
TfL looking to procure new-style tunnel system03/07/2024 Transport for London has begun the procurement process for a new Tunnels Control and Monitoring System (TCMS) ahead of the expiry of its current contract and the planned opening of the Silvertown Tunnel next year. |
TfL lets the wildflowers bloom25/06/2024 Transport for London says it has delivered its pledge of doubling wildflower verges in roadside areas to encourage biodiversity. |
Yunex keeps London moving with new signal system10/06/2024 Transport for London (TfL) and Yunex Traffic Limited have transferred the transport authority’s ‘ageing’ traffic signal system to the cloud-based Real Time Optimiser (RTO) system. |
Costain aims for repeat performance on A40 job16/10/2023 Costain will start construction in the New Year on an estimated £50m scheme to design and build the second phase of a package of improvements to the A40 in West London. |
Lord elevated to lead TfL permanently07/06/2023 Interim Transport for London commissioner Andy Lord has been appointed to the role permanently, TfL and mayor Sadiq Khan have announced. |
TfL launches second 'Roadlab' innovation challenge for roadworks02/12/2022 Transport for London (TfL) has launched another round of RoadLab, its innovation competition funded by lane rental charges to develop new ways of tackling issues caused by roadworks. |
Brent Cross flyover condition worse than thought07/10/2022 Transport for London (TfL) is to introduce a new ‘safety-critical’ 7.5-tonne weight restriction on the A41 Brent Cross Flyover after checks showed the maximum weight that the structure is able to carry is lower than previously assessed. |
Lord lands interim TfL role as Byford flies out22/09/2022 London Transport Commissioner Andy Byford is to leave the role after just two years, but ‘having delivered against the priorities he set at the start of his tenure’, Transport for London has announced. |
Bailout to 'avert managed decline' on TfL roads01/09/2022 London’s transport chief has hailed a new £1.2bn central government funding package for the capital, which he said would allow Transport for London (TfL) to increase funding for deteriorating assets such as road bridges and tunnels. |
New study into net zero roadworks launched19/07/2022 Transport for London and the UK's leading street works body have joined forces on a research project to minimise the impact of street and road works on climate change. |
Silvertown traffic claims lead a merry Dance20/05/2022 Transport for London (TfL) has sought to distance itself from its own modelling of the impact of the Silvertown tunnel, which contradicts claims that both TfL and City Hall have made that the scheme will not increase traffic and carbon. |
TfL does partial Westway fix amid funding crisis24/11/2021 Transport for London is to carry out essential maintenance to the A40 Westway between the A40 Northern Roundabout and the Marylebone Road but a second phase of works is currently unfunded. |
TfL continues to extend cycle routes13/08/2021 Transport for London is due to start construction work next week on the next section of a major new cycle route is South East London. |
Lane rental funds new tech to cut jams12/08/2021 Transport for London (TfL) is set to start using new technology from two UK start-ups to reduce disruption caused by roadworks and unplanned incidents. |
TfL consolidates with £1.7bn Works for London programme08/07/2021 Transport for London has brought together all of the maintenance of roads,tunnels,and assets such as bus stations and streetlights under a new, single programme, which it said will ensure that London’s road network is ‘more efficient, safer and greener’. |
£1bn TfL bailout as Khan builds bridges01/06/2021 The Government and London mayor Sadiq Khan have agreed a new £1.08bn funding package to take Transport for London through to December but ministers have insisted on reforms and savings that Mr Khan has said are unlikely to be deliverable. |
TfL given date to appeal Streetspace ruling, while Harrow has other plans04/05/2021 Transport for London (TfL) has been given a court date for its appeal against a High Court ruling that its streetspace plans were unlawful. |
Lorry safety permits part of London's 'holistic approach'02/03/2021 London’s new Direct Vision Standard (DVS) for HGVs has come into force, aimed at tackling the issue of drivers' blind spots by employing safety permits. |
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