Milestone Infrastructure has formed its own Road Worker Safety Group, to share knowledge between the company’s various highway maintenance contracts.
The group is part of the company’s Free From Harm health, safety and wellbeing strategic plan, and meets monthly to discuss working methods, how to control risks and hazards and safety training.
It also analyses safety data, to understand the level and type of abuse its workforce faces and identify areas for improvement.
Members include the chair Richard Lovewell, business director on Milestone’s Oxfordshire Contract, and representatives from Milsestone's Cambridgeshire, Oxfordshire, Devon, Hampshire, Somerset, Central Bedfordshire and Wiltshire contracts. Some of the supply chain are also represented.
Mr Lovewell, said: ‘At Milestone, safety is our top priority in all we do for both our workforce and the travelling public. This group is focused specifically on road worker safety and what we can do to continually support them as they carry out their essential highways work.'
Milestone highlighted abuse as a significant issue faced by many of its road workers and workers from other highways firms and said it is committed to working towards a future of ‘Safer, Greener Highways’, where roadworkers no longer face abuse when carrying out their work.
Milestone Infrastructure was formed in 2021 as a standalone business delivering highways maintenance, street lighting and projects to local authority clients after M Group Services acquired Skanska UK’s infrastructure services operation.