Registration has opened for one of the biggest traffic, transport and infrastructure events Scotland has ever seen.
For the first time, Traffex Road Expo Scotland, Bridges Scotland and a new event focusing on autonomous technology, CAV Scotland will all be co-located at the Royal Highland Centre Edinburgh, Scotland on 31st October and 1 November.
Following the record-breaking success of last year’s combined Traffex Road Expo Scotland and the inaugural Bridges Scotland conference and exhibition, which among other key elements allowed both road and bridge engineers to discuss the success of the Queensferry Crossing, the two events will once again share the hall at the Highland Centre.
Registration has now gone live for both events, which are free of charge and feature CPD accredited elements.
Sign up to take part in Scotland’s largest conference and exhibition dedicated to road, traffic, transport and bridge infrastructure here.
Road Expo will feature Peter McGillion, head of ITS Systems at Transport Scotland and Gordon Mackay, chair, of SCOTS and head of roads and transportation services, south Lanarkshire Council.
Among the key figures at Bridges Scotland will be Hazel McDonald, chief bridge engineer at Transport Scotland, who will be giving a keynote address on managing trunk road bridge stock.
The Transport Scotland & SCOTS Conference Theatre this year is sponsored by Yotta, while the Bridges Scotland Conference Theatre is sponsored by Mabey.
CAV Scotland
CAV Scotland is a new event that brings together global experts in connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) and features live demonstrations.
This Transport Scotland-led free to attend event has been set up to assess the latest developments in this groundbreaking technology and discuss its future, showcasing trials and research across the world including in Scotland.
Although the regulation and policy around CAVs are not devolved, the Scottish Government wants Scotland to be at the forefront of developments in this area, offering high quality test and demonstrator opportunities to developers and industry.
You can register you interest in attending this exclusive 150- place invite only event here. Attendees should be stakeholders in the CAV sector.
All three events are part of Transport Network’s 'Traffex' brand, a suite of sector-leading events, conferences, exhibitions, seminars and awards, which includes the main Traffex 2019 event in Birmingham NEC and the Highways magazine awards.
You can stay up to date with all these events by following @traffex on Twitter.