WJ helped support a health, safety and environment event put on by Kier in Area 9.
The event, which was held in Stafford Park, Telford, presented WJ with a unique opportunity to engage with the entire Area 9 workforce, other supply chain partners and a number of client representatives from Highways England.
The company focused on innovations in personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by their operatives and the progress made in designing out risk with well-engineered safety features on their road marking trucks.
WJ also demonstrated its screed vehicle which is Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS) compliant while highlighting the special features and safety benefits for vulnerable road users.
The last day of the event was designated for the local community and reserved especially for local schools to experience the workings of a highways maintenance depot. The children were able embrace the importance of road safety and many environmental considerations also. The WJ team had great fun showing the children how to mark out horizontal signs with small hand moulds and mineral sand.
Dave Cassells, Kier HSE manager for Area 9, said: “I would like to thank WJ for their time, commitment and enthusiasm they dedicated to helping us make our first health, safety and environment week in Area 9 a real success. They engaged with our workforce, client and stakeholders brilliantly and managed to keep the attention of 70 schoolchildren – no mean feat. We look forward to seeing what WJ can bring to the event next year.”
WJ is one of Kier’s strategic partners for Area 9.