Kier and Shropshire Council have appointed Multevo to tackle potholes in the country following a series of trials.
The three-way partnership under the Shropshire Highways Alliance is the result of a strategic initiative between the council and term maintenance contractor Kier.
Multevo said a series of trials were undertaken 'specifically reviewing different machines and methods aimed to tackle problematic potholes to find a more permanent and cost-effective solution'.
Testing demonstrated the effectiveness of the Multihog road planer machine through dramatic improvements of permanent road repair productivity while increasing efficiency, Multevo said.
Multihog machines are used as part of the process to permanently repair different shapes and sizes of defects in a single visit for a cost-effective square metre rate.
Andy Wilde, head of highways at Shropshire Council, said: ‘We recognise the benefits that this process can bring, and we’ve certainly been very pleased with the way that the work has been delivered. The amount of work that can be done in a day is really changing things significantly for us.’
James Birch, managing director of Kier Local Highways, said: ‘Utilising Multevo with the Multihog is very fast, its efficient, its cost-effective, it reduces health and safety risk of HAVS exposure to our teams.
‘This process reduces traffic movement risk for our valued highways operatives as well as decreasing the time required on site within traffic management setups which greatly reduces network disruption for road users.
‘Multevo are taking the same journey as the other partners in the alliance which is important and we’re all working as one unique team to deliver the best possible service for the council and communities.’
Multevo said its unique approach enables teams to tackle both reactive and routine enhanced patching to preserve the longevity of the asset while reducing disruption to road users.
It added that permanent first-time-fix repair rates have already soared to around 150 square metres per day.
Multevo supports the Alliance with larger surfacing schemes as well as civil engineering projects.
Director of marketing and growth Josh Sweeney said: ‘The Multevo method means assisting customers in all areas whilst working towards the same goals. We do this by undertaking site surveys, raising permits, programming works and recording quality, safety and productivity in real time through the use of technology, the Multevo App.’