Funding delay 'threatens Network North scheme'19/04/2024 A highway authority has called for ‘urgent discussions’ with the Government after a £95m bypass scheme promised ‘Network North’ top-up funding has suffered a further delay. |
Multi-billion funding gap for LA road upgrades20/03/2024 Doubts have arisen over 70 local authority road schemes that the Government has pledged to top up with redirected HS2 cash after it was unable to say how it would fund its existing contributions. |
‘Show Us The Money’: Campaigners demand funding answers06/02/2024 Shropshire Council has declined to give an updated cost for its North West Relief Road (NWRR) scheme, which campaigners say could cost more than £200m. |
Hants seeks to avoid cost risk on £125m scheme31/01/2024 Hampshire County Council is facing a funding gap on the A326 North Waterside Improvements scheme, if cost increases go beyond a current estimate of £125m. |
GRAHAM gets £87m East Yorkshire job01/12/2023 East Riding of Yorkshire Council has appointed GRAHAM to carry out the £87m A164 and Jock’s Lodge Improvement Scheme. |
Councils await clarity on top-up cash for major schemes27/10/2023 A number of major local road schemes are hanging in the balance while authorities are left unsure if ministers will stump up the extra cash pledged in the wake of cutting back HS2. |
Councils await clarity on upgrade top-up cash23/10/2023 Confusion continues to surround the Government’s commitment to top up its contribution to local authority road schemes, with many councils that are facing funding pressures unsure whether their schemes will get extra cash. |
Norfolk wins £213m for new road scheme16/10/2023 Norfolk County Council has welcomed what it says is a Government commitment of more than £200m for a new link road, but exactly how much money it will receive – and when – remain unclear. |
Government recycles roads cash in Network North announcement06/10/2023 Many of the local road schemes said to be funded ‘as a result of the decision to scrap the extension of HS2’ are existing schemes under the National Roads Fund, which is supposed to be funded by Vehicle Excise Duty. |
Counties bemoan 'different reality' on roads cash10/03/2023 A new survey has found that 85% of county councils plan to reduce roads maintenance next year due to rising costs, whilst scrapping or reviewing major highways projects. |
Road scheme to take a larger slice of funding pie15/11/2022 Leicestershire County Council is set to approve a large local major scheme whose cost has effectively doubled to £127.5m since 2018. |
DfT allocates £161m to keep traffic flowing06/06/2022 Ministers have committed £160.8m to four major road and bridge schemes on the local road network in England. |
National Roads Fund: Just £426m in two years for local roads01/04/2021 The Department for Transport (DfT) has insisted that it will fund ‘over 50’ local road upgrades during this Parliament from its flagship National Roads Fund (NRF) despite allocating just £426m in two years and funding only eight schemes so far. |
New road gets £110m but 'cost could rise'26/11/2020 Lincolnshire County Council has been allocated £110m government funding towards the North Hykeham Relief Road but has warned that the cost may well rise beyond its current £155m price tag. |
DfT pulls out the stops on roads projects30/09/2019 The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced that a raft of road schemes have been given the go ahead with £100m and put into immediate construction. |
TfN submits £700m proposals for National Roads Fund21/08/2019 Transport for the North has submitted bids worth £700m to the National Roads Fund, including 12 schemes for the major road network and four for the large local majors. |
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